The sewing community is truly a remarkable one. Where else can you say "Hey, I need some help. Can I get your eyes?" and the inbox fills up. As I mentioned in the previous post, the Gimlet Top was one of the first SBCC patterns (the third, in fact), so it was a little rough around the edges. The instructions were slim to none and over the years the consistent feedback was something to be fixed up. It was time to remedy this!
I had a team of 7 wonderful testers that helped me to fine tune the new and improved Gimlet Top. I truly could not have done it without them and their willingness to help, especially right before the holiday season, went above and beyond.
I hope you are as impressed with their makes as I am!
Instagram Handle: caroline.jg
Instagram Handle: flymomsewist
Instagram Handle: trianglesewist
Instagram Handle: visseroliveira
Instagram Handle: sewroo
Instagram Handle: a.little.quiet
Instagram Handle: kiwi.bruin.creations
Thanks to all my awesome testers for the Gimlet Top! You did an amazing job and I can't thank you enough.
Looking to get your own copy of the Gimlet Top?